Drawing as an organism

desen contemporan, sodobna risba,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba,cancer art,maess anand,dela na papirju,maess, práce na papíře, kibla maribor razstava

dela na papirju, maess anand, sodobna risba, desen contemporan,kibla maribor razstava, současná kresba

Drawing as an organism

MMC KIBLA, Maribor

Drawing as an organism
Tina Konec, Maess Anand
10th of May – 8th of June 2019

opening on Friday, 10 May 2019, at 7 p. m.

Sodobna Risba, desen contemporan, disegno contemporaneo,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, současná kresba,súčasná kresba,práce na papíře, kibla maribor razstava

art and medicine,arta contemporana desen,Anand artist,suvremeni crtež,savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba, zäitgenëssesch Zeechnung,art and medicine, art and cancer, desenho contemporaneo, rysunek wspolczesny,práce na papíře, maess anand,sodobna risba,razstava sodobne risbe,sztuka wspolczesna rysunek, galerija kibla maribor,desen contemporan, maess anand,dela na papirju,maess
sodobna risba,desen contemporan,suvremeni crtež,savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba, zäitgenëssesch Zeechnung,kibla maribor razstava, galerija kibla maribor, sztuka wspolczesna rysunek,rysunek wspolczesny,razstava sodobne risbe, maess anand,práce na papíře,,dela na papirju, kibla maribor,Anand artist
Invasive ductal carcinoma, 100 x 70 cm, marker and pen on paper, 2019

desen contemporan, suvremeni crtež,práce na papíře, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba,cancer in art,maess anand,dela na papirju,maess,galerija kibla maribor

Sodobna Risba, Desen contemporan,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba,disegno contemporaneo,dela na papirju, kibla mmc, kibla maribor, kibla portal, práce na papíře,kibela,galerija, kibla maribor, razstava

The exhibition is conceived as a conversation between two drawing artists who perceive the drawing as a living organism and the subject of scientific and emotional exploration, which they develop to the point of visual culmination. On display is an oeuvre of drawings created in a traditional, analog way, while still retaining singularity of execution. Both artists work in the same medium, and both engage in the depiction of the microcosm of cells, or crystals. Maess Anand portrays the micro-realm of man fighting death, while the works of Tina Konec represent the contrast of various micro-lives within the natural world.

razstava, dela na papirju, maess anand, sodobna risba, desen contemporan,práce na papíře,arta contemporana desen, galerija, kibla maribor, razstava

Maess’s drawings of malignant tumors are highly expressive, she uses full-toned hues of red, which warn about the potential reality of danger already from a distance. Tina Konec’s drawings, on the other hand, are monochromatic, and thereby softer; in terms of execution, they create the impression of floating in space. The exhibit on Drawing as an Organism features the works of two young award-winning drawing artists, who have knowingly chosen a path of “stubborn” persistence in developing and upgrading the traditional drawing. Maess Anand employs modern technology to add to the spatial effect of her works and enable visual access to otherwise invisible microfibers, whereas Tina Konec uses a photographic template to create a minimalist work of art in the traditional line drawing technique.

desenho contemporâneo, suvremeni crtež,současná kresba,desen contemporan, práce na papíře, dela na papirju, galerija, kibla maribor, razstava

arta contemporana desen, sodobna risba, současná kresba,razstava,dela na papirju,maess anand, Desen contemporan,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež,galerija, kibla maribor, razstava, súčasná kresba ,prace na papierze,kibla mmc, kibla maribor,kibla portal, kibela,současná kresba,  maess anand, maess
Sodobna Risba, Desen contemporan, suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež,současná kresba,prace na papierze,kibla mmc,,kibla portal, kibela, dela na papirju
Invasive ductal carcinoma 2, 100 x 70 cm, marker and pen on paper, 2019

desen contemporan, sodobna risba, dela na papirju,kibla mmc, galerija, kibla maribor,současná kresba razstava, současná kresba

dela na papirju, maess anand, sodobna risba, desen contemporan, práce na papíře,galerija, kibla maribor, razstava,současná kresba

Maess Anand’s work calls attention to the markedly segregational view on life, which is essentially different for sick and healthy people. In the case of cancer patients, this relationship is even more complex, mostly due to the still vague terminology of treatment and consequently the survival rate. The artist’s goal is a Cartesian one: it is an attempt at approaching the understanding of an otherwise scary reality using applying the power of artistic representation, an attempt at transgressing the earthly by means of an interdisciplinary adaptation of reality.

sodobna risba, desen contemporan,dela na papirju, maess anand, práce na papíře,galerija, kibla maribor, razstava

The works of Tina Konec are marked, on one side, by her enthusiasm over cosmic creation and her sublime realization of the fragmented nature, and thus of the endless possibilities of the shapes of universe. Her creative starting point is represented by forms which may well be versatile (they are reminiscent of tree trunks or widespread treetops), however, it is only beyond their formal delineation (which is achieved by means of the abstract white, or dark drawing base, without frames, freed from any significance) that they truly come alive. Form becomes tangible, so to speak; enhanced with meditative intuition, it altogether establishes an additional social, in most cases intimate, dimention.

Sodobna Risba, Desen contemporan,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba,práce na papíře, dela na papirju, maess, galerija, kibla maribor, razstava

Nina Jeza, Artists & Poor’s. 

dela na papirju, maess anand, sodobna risba, desen contemporan,práce na papíře, současná kresba razstava, současná kresba

Further reading : 

sodobna risba,dela na papirju,maess anand, tina konec

Review in The Lancet Oncology

Contemporary drawing art and cancer, part I

Abnormal Results Drawings part II

The Drawers, Warsaw



The works of Tina Konec are marked, on one side, by her enthusiasm over cosmic creation and her sublime realization of the fragmented nature, and thus of the endless possibilities of the shapes of universe. Her creative starting point is represented by forms which may well be versatile (they are reminiscent of tree trunks or widespread treetops), however, it is only beyond their formal delineation (which is achieved by means of the abstract white, or dark drawing base, without frames, freed from any significance)sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen contemporan that they truly come alive. Form becomes tangible, so to speak; enhanced with meditative intuition, it altogether establishes an additional social, in most cases intimate, dimention. sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen contemporan,současná kresba sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen arta contemporanea,

The works of Tina Konec are marked, on one side, by her enthusiasm over cosmic creation and her sublime realization of the fragmented nature, and thus of the endless possibilities of the shapes of universe. Her creative starting point is represented by forms which may well be versatile (they are reminiscent of tree trunks or widespread treetops), however, it is only beyond their formal delineation sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen contemporan, sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen arta contemporanea,(which is achieved by means of the abstract white, or dark drawing base, without frames, freed from any significance)sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen contemporan that they truly come alive. Form becomes tangible, so to speak; enhanced with meditative intuition, it altogether establishes an additional social, in most cases intimate, dimention. sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen contemporan, sodobna risba razstava, dela na papirju, desen arta contemporanea,

sodobna risba, desen contemporan,dela na papirju, maess anand,současná kresba, práce na papíře,mmc kibla, tina konec, nina jeza

art immigrationcontemporary drawings dessin contemporain contemporary drawing zeitgenössische zeichnung

desen contemporan, sodobna risba,současná kresba,dela na papirju,

desen contemporan, sodobna risba razstava,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba,dela na papirju,

The works of Tina Konec are marked, on one side, by her enthusiasm over cosmic creation and her sublime realization of the fragmented nature, and thus of the endless possibilities of the shapes of universe. Her creative starting point is represented by forms which may well be versatile (they are reminiscent of tree trunks or widespread treetops),sodobna risba however,Sodobna Risba, Desen contemporan,suvremeni crtež, savremeni crtež, súčasná kresba, disegno contemporaneo,dela na papirju,kibla mmc, kibla maribor,kibla portal, kibela, současná kresbait is only beyond their formal delineation (which is achieved by means of the abstract white, or dark drawing base, without frames, sodobne risbe razstava ,freed from any significance) that they truly come alive. Form becomes tangible, so to speak; enhanced with meditative intuition, sodobna risba, it altogether establishes an additional social, in most cases intimate, dimention, desen contemporan

savremeni crtež,dela na papirju súčasná kresba,savremeni crtež, Desen contemporan,maess, práce na papíře,současná kresba

sodobne risbe,dela na papirju, maess anand, sodobna risba, desen contemporan,práce na papíře, savremeni crtež,maess súčasná kresba

dessin contemporain artiste works on paper contemporary drawings drawing center domestic violence drawing