The Intuitionists, Drawing Center, New York
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11.07.2014-24.08.2014, 35 Wooster St, New York, NY 10013
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Maess Anand, The perfect elevator waits, 120x 150 cm, 2014
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The Intuitionists curated by Heather Hart, Steffani Jemison, and Jina Valentine.
The Intuitionists is a collaborative artist project inspired by Colson Whitehead’s 1999 novel of the same name’ work of speculative fiction that explores the relationships between progress, technology, and difference. The exhibition considers how the collection, the database, and the aggregate serve as complementary models for the organization of information and objects in flux.
The Drawing Center was founded in 1977 and is one of the most important institutions in the world devoted to drawing. The institution presents drawings by both historical and contemporary artists.
“The Intuitionist is a 1999 speculative fiction novel by American writer Colson Whitehead.The Intuitionist takes place in a city (implicitly, New York) full of skyscrapers and other buildings requiring vertical transportation in the form of elevators. The time, never identified explicitly, is one when black people are called “colored” and integration is a current topic. The protagonist is Lila Mae Watson, an elevator inspector of the “Intuitionist” school. The Intuitionists practice an inspecting method by which they ride in an elevator and intuit the state of the elevator and its related systems. The competing school, the “Empiricists”, insists upon traditional instrument-based verification of the condition of the elevator. Watson is the second black inspector and the first black female inspector in the city” // Wikipedia
drawing center,artists,maess anand, the drawing center nyc, abstract art based on music,the drawing center viewing program,works on paper
artists: Shaun Acton, Valerio Berruti, A.J. Bocchino, Dana Boussard, Hannah Burr, Maria Bussman, Enrique Chagoya, Joyce Chan, Catalina Chervin, Hannah Cole, Kenny Cole, Vincent Colvin, Hollis Cooper, Cui Fei, Gabriel Delgado, Wendy DesChene, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Debra Drexler, Derek Dunlop, Elisabeth Eberle, Lisa Endriss, Rodney Ewing, Tory Fair, Douglas Florian, Nicholas Fraser, Carl Fudge, Brett Goodroad, Barry Gray, Stephen Grossman,
the drawing center,rysunek współczesny,, the drawing center nyc,dessin contemporain artistes, contemporary drawing artists,contemporary art drawings,contemporary drawing,the drawing center viewing program,dessin contemporain artiste, maess artiste, abstract art based on music,Shaun Acton, Valerio Berruti, A.J. Bocchino, Dana Boussard, Hannah Burr, Maria Bussman, Enrique Chagoya, Joyce Chan, Catalina Chervin, Hannah Cole, Kenny Cole, Vincent Colvin, Hollis Cooper, Cui Fei, Gabriel Delgado, Wendy DesChene, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Debra Drexler, Derek Dunlop, Elisabeth Eberle, Lisa Endriss, Rodney Ewing, Tory Fair, Douglas Florian, Nicholas Fraser, Carl Fudge, Brett Goodroad, Barry Gray, Stephen Grossman
Nathan Haenlein, Patrick Earl Hammie, Skowmon Hastanan, HENSE, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Cynthia Ona Innis, Tatiana Istomina, Hedwige Jacobs, Chiaki Kamikawa, Manfred Kirschner, Kimia Kline, Nicholas Knight, Kang Joo Lee, Kate Tessa Lee, Cynthia Lin, Hung Liu, Maess, Mario Marzan, Linn Meyers, Nyeema Morgan, Paul Morrison, Seamus Liam O’Brien, Alison Owen, Jenny Perlin, Mel Prest, Jo Ann Rothschild, Anna Schachte, Fausto Sevila, Jill Shoffiet, Thomas Slaughter, Chris Spinelli, Karen Tam, Caroline Tavelli-Abar, Scott Teplin, Jen Urso, Kris Van Dessel, Kara Walker, and Margaret Withers
Supported by Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Article at in Polish

maess anand, the drawing center nyc,the drawing center viewing program, abstract art based on music,drawing center open sessions
Nathan Haenlein, Patrick Earl Hammie, Skowmon Hastanan, HENSE, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Cynthia Ona Innis, Tatiana Istomina, Hedwige Jacobs, Chiaki Kamikawa, Manfred Kirschner, Kimia Kline, Nicholas Knight, Kang Joo Lee, Kate Tessa Lee, Cynthia Lin, Hung Liu, Maess, Mario Marzan,the drawing center nyc,Linn Meyers, Nyeema Morgan, drawing center open sessions,Paul Morrison, Seamus Liam O’Brien, Alison Owen, Jenny Perlin, Mel Prest, Jo Ann Rothschild, Anna Schachte, Fausto Sevila, Jill Shoffiet, Thomas Slaughter, Chris Spinelli, Karen Tam, Caroline Tavelli-Abar, Scott Teplin, Jen Urso, Kris Van Dessel, Kara Walker, and Margaret Withers Nathan Haenlein, Patrick Earl Hammie, Skowmon Hastanan, HENSE, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Cynthia Ona Innis,the drawing center nyc, Tatiana Istomina, Hedwige Jacobs, Chiaki Kamikawa, Manfred Kirschner, Kimia Kline, Nicholas Knight, Kang Joo Lee, Kate Tessa Lee, Cynthia Lin, Hung Liu, Maess Anand, Mario Marzan,drawing center open sessions Linn Meyers, Nyeema Morgan, Paul Morrison, Seamus Liam O’Brien, Alison Owen, Jenny Perlin, Mel Prest, Jo Ann Rothschild, Anna Schachte, Fausto Sevila, Jill Shoffiet, Thomas Slaughter, Chris Spinelli, Karen Tam, Caroline Tavelli-Abar, Scott Teplin, Jen Urso, Kris Van Dessel, Kara Walker, and Margaret Withers Nathan Haenlein, the drawing center nyc,Patrick Earl Hammie, Skowmon Hastanan, HENSE, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Cynthia Ona Innis, Tatiana Istomina, Hedwige Jacobs, Chiaki Kamikawa, Manfred Kirschner, Kimia Kline, Nicholas Knight, Kang Joo Lee, Kate Tessa Lee, Cynthia Lin, Hung Liu, Maess, Mario Marzan, Linn Meyers, Nyeema Morgan, Paul Morrison, Seamus Liam O’Brien, Alison Owen, Jenny Perlin, Mel Prest, Jo Ann Rothschild, Anna Schachte, Fausto Sevila, Jill Shoffiet, Thomas Slaughter, Chris Spinelli, Karen Tam, the drawing center nyc,Caroline Tavelli-Abar, Scott Teplin, the viewing program, Jen Urso, Kris Van Dessel, Kara Walker, and Margaret Withers
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maess anand, dibujo contemporáneo,dibujos contemporáneos,the drawing center nyc, abstract art based on music,the drawing center viewing program,Shaun Acton, Valerio Berruti, A.J. Bocchino, Dana Boussard, Hannah Burr, Maria Bussman, Enrique Chagoya, Joyce Chan, Catalina Chervin, Hannah Cole, Kenny Cole, Vincent Colvin,drawing center open sessions, Hollis Cooper,the drawing center nyc, Cui Fei, Gabriel Delgado, Wendy DesChene, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Debra Drexler, Derek Dunlop, Elisabeth Eberle, Lisa Endriss, Rodney Ewing, the drawing center nyc,Tory Fair, Douglas Florian, Nicholas Fraser, Carl Fudge, Brett Goodroad, Barry Gray, Stephen Grossman
maess anand, dibujo contemporáneo, dibujos contemporáneos,the drawing center nyc,the drawing center viewing program,drawing center open sessions
dessin contemporain paris desenhos contempoaneos zsikla monika the drawing center
dibujo contemporáneo, dibujos contemporáneos,the drawing center nyc,the drawing center viewing program, abstract art based on music
Art based on music,the drawing center viewing program,abstract art based on music, the drawing center nyc,drawing center open sessions
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the drawing center nyc,the drawing center viewing program,abstract art based on music,the drawing center nyc, drawing center. maess anand,Shaun Acton, Valerio Berruti, A.J. Bocchino, Dana Boussard, Hannah Burr, Maria Bussman, Enrique Chagoya, Joyce Chan, Catalina Chervin, Hannah Cole, Kenny Cole,the drawing center nyc, Vincent Colvin, Hollis Cooper, Cui Fei, Gabriel Delgado, Wendy DesChene, the drawing center nyc, Debra Drexler, Derek Dunlop, Elisabeth Eberle, Lisa Endriss, drawing center open sessions, Rodney Ewing, Tory Fair, Douglas Florian, Nicholas Fraser, Carl Fudge, Brett Goodroad, Barry Gray, Stephen Grossman
contemporary drawing, the drawing center in nyc, rysunek współczesny,drawing center open sessions, the drawing center viewing program,abstract art based on music,the drawing center nyc
artists: Shaun Acton, Valerio Berruti, A.J. Bocchino, Dana Boussard, Hannah Burr, Maria Bussman, Enrique Chagoya, Joyce Chan, Catalina Chervin, Hannah Cole, Kenny Cole, Vincent Colvin, Hollis Cooper, Cui Fei, Gabriel Delgado,the drawing center nyc, Wendy DesChene, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Debra Drexler,drawing center open sessions, Derek Dunlop, Elisabeth Eberle, Lisa Endriss, Rodney Ewing, Tory Fair, Douglas Florian, Nicholas Fraser, Carl Fudge, Brett Goodroad, Barry Gray, Stephen Grossman, contemporary drawing
contemporary drawing, drawing center open sessions, dessin contemporain artistes, contemporary drawing artists,the drawing center viewing program,the drawing center nyc,contemporary art drawings, wystawa rysunku współczesnego,disegno contemporaneo
Nathan Haenlein, Patrick Earl Hammie, Skowmon Hastanan, HENSE, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Cynthia Ona Innis, Tatiana Istomina, Hedwige Jacobs, Chiaki Kamikawa, Manfred Kirschner, Kimia Kline, Nicholas Knight, Kang Joo Lee, the drawing center nyc,Kate Tessa Lee, Cynthia Lin, Hung Liu, Maess, Mario Marzan, Linn Meyers, Nyeema Morgan, Paul Morrison, Seamus Liam O’Brien, Alison Owen, drawing center open sessions,Jenny Perlin, Mel Prest,the drawing center nyc, Jo Ann Rothschild, Anna Schachte, Fausto Sevila, Jill Shoffiet, Thomas Slaughter, Chris Spinelli, Karen Tam, Caroline Tavelli-Abar, Scott Teplin, Jen Urso, Kris Van Dessel, Kara Walker, and Margaret Withers, contemporary drawing
“The Intuitionist is a 1999 speculative fiction novel by American writer Colson Whitehead.The Intuitionist takes place in a city (implicitly, New York) full of skyscrapers and other buildings requiring vertical transportation in the form of elevators. The time, never identified explicitly, is one when black people are called “colored” and integration is a current topic,The protagonist is Lila Mae Watson, an elevator inspector of the “Intuitionist” school. The Intuitionists practice an inspecting method by which they ride in an elevator and intuit the state of the elevator and its related systems. Contemporary drawing, drawing center open sessions,The competing school, the “Empiricists”,the drawing center nyc, insists upon traditional instrument-based verification of the condition of the elevator. Watson is the second black inspector and the first black female inspector in the city” // Wikipedia,
“The Intuitionist is a 1999 speculative fiction novel by American writer Colson Whitehead.the drawing center nyc,The Intuitionist takes place in a city (implicitly, New York) full of skyscrapers and other buildings requiring vertical transportation in the form of elevators. The time, never identified explicitly, is one when black people are called “colored” and integration is a current topic,drawing center open sessions,The protagonist is Lila Mae Watson, an elevator inspector of the “Intuitionist” school. The Intuitionists practice an inspecting method by which they ride in an elevator and intuit the state of the elevator and its related systems. Contemporary drawing, dessin contemporain,The competing school, the “Empiricists”, the drawing center nyc,insists upon traditional instrument-based verification of the condition of the elevator. Watson is the second black inspector and the first black female inspector in the city,the drawing center nyc” // Wikipedia,