Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, Maess Anand. works on paper,maess, munkák papíron
Galeria Plátan, Budapest
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, Maess Anand works on paper,maess ,munkák papíron
Solo show “Abnormal Results” at Galeria Plátan, Polish Culture Institute, Lengyel Intézet, Budapest, Andrássy út 32,
Opening at September 16. 7pm 2015
Opening speech by Zsikla Mónika, curator and art historian
Zsikla Mónika, curator and art historian, Monika Zsikla,maess anand,munkák papíron

Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla,kortárs rajzok
Zsikla Mónika,Lengyel Intézet,kortárs művészeti kiállítás, Lengyel Intézet kiállítás,munkák papíron, kortars rajz,kortárs rajz, Současná kresba, maess
The works of Maess Anand, the young Polish artist who has her debut exhibition in Hungary, appear – not only for the first glance but also for the second – as a collection of cosmic views from the realm of the invisible. Moreover this perception is also given a somewhat sinister forefeel with the title of the exhibition: Abnormal Results. However, in the beginning we may not even know what the signifiers “abnormal” and “results” might refer to.
When we, as beholders, approach the works we may take part in an exciting adventure in case we adopt the creating method of the artist when scanning the surfaces, namely proceeding from the macro to the micro scale. The macro dimension of Maess Anand’s research is given by the written and visual database of current cancer research discourse on the world wide web which she has been intensely studying for long years, and has been using forums of cancer research.when creating her works
First, macro, micro and nano analyses of histopathological records are collected by the artist, analyses that are made of pathological mutations which can be found in the virtual space of those forums that present the current research results. Then, with the help of a computer programme, she uses those hystopathological records which are either visually or mentally crucial to her as the starting point or drawing map for her drawings.
Lengyel Intézet, Lengyel Intézet kiállítás, kortars rajz,kortárs rajz,maess,munkák papíron, Současná kresba

Abnormal results, exhibition view. Platan Gallery, Budapest,Photo: Gosztom Gergo
Art and cancer, contemporary drawing, works on paper,maess artist, kortars rajz, zsikla mónika,munkák papíron
a kortárs rajz,art and cancer, art and science drawing, art and science,Zsikla Monika, Mónika Zsikla, maess
If, as beholders, we approach from the point of macro scale, the first thing that captures our eyes through the huge shopwindow of the Polish Institute is the gestural character and the immense vibration of the red surfaces of the works. Entering the room, this vibration increases, however, while physically approaching the works the precise line system on the drawn surface allowes us to see that it has nothing to do with gestrues or gesture-like movements. On the contrary, the fine networks of lines shaped by different techniques are consciously built complexes. Observing these networks we may realise that, already unconsciously, we have switched the scale. Just like the artist who first manipulates the records collected from the internet as a part of her own microworld: sometimes she gives three-dimensional spaces to flat drawings, other times she leaves them as flat surfaces, and at times she completes them with words of hope, or supplies pathological tissue pictures with fictitious healing tissue piles.
kortárs rajz, Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, Maess Anand works on paper
Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.
However, to listen to the raison d’etre of hope in the drama as well, we should observe the picture on the opposing main wall, which is the last but also the most colourful piece of the motif which has been formed for years. The colours wedged in the drawing of the hystopathology signify the chemicals infused in the blood when treating the mutant cells, because the result may be “abnormal” but the “end”may be hopeful until the last moment…
So let us get closer or just contemplate it from a distance; I would like to encourage everyone to pose questions concerning the exhibited works to the artist, in case you might have any, since much to our delight — she is present at the opening.
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla,maess
Zsikla Mónika
contemporary drawing art and science, drawing art and science, monika zsikla,zsikla monika, kortárs rajzok,Lengyel Intezet, maess,art and cancer, cancer art, works on paper,
Lengyel Intézet, Lengyel Intézet kiállítás, kortars rajz,kortárs rajz, Současná kresba, maess

Abnormal Results, exhibition view, Platan Galeria, Budapest, 2015, Photo: Gosztom Gergo
Further reading:
Abnormal results drawings part 1
Abnormal results drawings part 2
The Drawers, at Kasia Michalski Gallery, Warsaw
Drawing as an organism, KIBLa, Maribor
Interview https://contemporarylynx.co.uk/maess-beauty-of-decay
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, maess anand
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba, Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba,Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba
Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet, Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: kortarz rajz the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet,Zsikla Mónika, Zsikla Mónika,maess anand, munkák papíron, art and cancer, illness in art, dibujo contemporaneo, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz, Curator Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, a kortárs rajz, works on paper
Monika Zsikla, kortars rajz,Zsikla Monika
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, maess,Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba, Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba,Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika,maess anand, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba, Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba,Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba
Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; Mónika Zsikla,maess anand, munkák papíron, art and cancer, illness in art, dibujo contemporaneo, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz, Curator Zsikla Mónika Monika,, kurátor Mónika Zsikla, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, a kortárs rajz, works on paper the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet, Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: kortarz rajz the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet,
Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet, Zsikla Mónika Usually we may never see the pictures of this hidden cosmic world, however, when viewing the works a great number of familiar connotations pour on us: kortarz rajz the red colour of blood is familiar, as is the whirling pulsation in spaces without horizon which is held together by some kind of an internal dynamics; the drawing which is regular and irregular at the same time; the ruffle of splashing and slamming: all these may evoke the association with the changed sensations of the human body. And we are not far from the truth, since, in fact, there are some among the drawings which give the picture of an unchanged metastatic hystopathology, without any kind of transformation… and with this, it also presents the drama of the human body.Maess Anand,works on paper, kortárs művészeti kiállítás, kortárs rajz,kortárs rajzok, Zsikla Mónika, Platán Galeria, Lengyel Intézet,
Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Mónika Zsikla, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba, Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Mónika Zsikla, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba,Zsikla Mónika, Mónika Zsikla, kurátor Mónika Zsikla, Platán Galeria, Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie, Lengyel Intézet, medical drawings medical art in contemporary art, medical imaging in art,disegno contemporaneo, Současná kresba